Local Events

Des Moines One Million Steps for OCD Walk

One Million Steps for OCD Walk is an annual event that brings together members of the OCD and related disorders community nationwide to challenge stigma, raise funds, and create awareness about what it really means to have obsessive compulsive disorder.

Last year, our 2024 walk welcomed 189 walkers and community members at Gray’s Lake in Des Moines. With your help, we raised over $12,800 to support OCD and related disorders research, advocacy, and community support initiatives here in Iowa!

Stay tuned for information about our third annual Des Moines One Million Steps for OCD Walk!

OCD Iowa would like to extend a heartful thank you to all of our 2024 sponsors for the Des Moines One Million Steps for OCD Walk!

Thanks to the following sponsors for your generosity in making our walk a success and for helping to drive OCD Iowa’s mission forward! We are grateful to all our sponsors who supported this impactful event. If you or your organization is interested in future sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us at info@ocdiowa.org. Sponsorships include fantastic benefits such as your logo on OCD Iowa’s marketing materials, social media, and webpage, as well as a special mention during our annual walk.

Previous OCD Iowa Events and Activities

Our First Annual Walk at Easter Lake in Des Moines, IA (2022)