For Those Living With OCD

If you are living with OCD, you know that it can impact all areas of your life and pose unique challenges. Whether you are diagnosed with OCD, a family member, or a loved one, there are resources available to help you manage and find support.

Resources for Living with OCD: /


Kids, teens and adults with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are trapped in a vicious cycle of worries, intrusive thoughts and rituals. While loved ones are desperate to help them, defeating OCD takes time and specialized therapy. To uncover what OCD is, and what it isn’t, filmmakers Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier focus on an unlikely group of experts: kids! 

UNSTUCK is an award-winning short film that explains OCD through the eyes of young people. It avoids sensationalizing compulsions and obsessions, and instead reveals the complexity of a disorder that affects the brain and behavior. As the group of resilient kids and teens roadmap their process of recovery, the film will inspire you to believe it is possible to fight your worst fears and defeat OCD.

To watch “UNSTUCK” in full:


Everyone (that I’ve met) who is affected by obsessive-compulsive (OCD) symptoms wants to understand what’s going on, and how they can heal.

At The OCD Stories we got tired of people not having access to good, reliable and heartfelt information that lights a path in their darkness, and offers solutions.

To listen to our free weekly podcast, hosted by Stuart Ralph, simply subscribe through any podcast app, Spotify, the website or YouTube.

Check out your your first episode from our existing hundreds of episodes featuring experts, and people experiencing symptoms just like you today.

If you do, you may just feel understood, heard and know your next step in your own personal journey to healing.


The IOCDF Peace of Mind Virtual Community is a place where members of the OCD and related disorders community will find resources to learn, share stories, and support one another.